What your room looks like after a visit from... |

Registered: 01-16-2006
Location: Munich, Bavaria
What your room looks like after a visit from... |
Leanna !
That's the result of 2 1/2 weeks of having a 'Leanna' with me.
Check that out lol, not even all of the garbage.
Oh, and there are 28394398 Plates and 3126838 Glasses missing aswell, but cleaned that up already. :D

Nothing against you dear, really. :<
 | Sometimes I think I'm crazy,
other times I know I'm not. |
03-10-2006 12:40 |


Registered: 01-12-2006
hm.. then lea isnt anymore fish-mon
she now transforms into JUICEmon
char nicks:
.Nissin. x Hunter 96
ent_ent x Alchemist 83
hot_rod x Wizard 82
Kai-Mei x Rogue 63
not renamed yet:
Watery x ArchBishop 100
Watti x Priest 96
Arizona x Priest 90
Sushi x Gypsy 96
03-10-2006 12:41 |


Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Germany> Kerpen
.....you call that chaos? xD;
03-10-2006 13:30 |
Käse ¤ Kuchen
Registered: 01-12-2006
Location: Germany
secks -> thirsty
03-10-2006 13:42 |

Registered: 01-16-2006
Location: Munich, Bavaria
Thread Starter
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
.....you call that chaos? xD; |
That was only the chaos caused by Juice Cartons, what the hell do you think the rest of the room looked like? Candies or what? :<
Oh and I just emptied those Juice Fags and.. Jesus Christ, you wouldn't believe what the FUCK can grow inside those things...
That was SO gross, lol.
Now I really need a cig or something... *has a picture in mind of this stuff coming out of the Cartons* ... Ewwwww
Just.... wtf. No appetite for the next 5 hours straight. D:
 | Sometimes I think I'm crazy,
other times I know I'm not. |
03-10-2006 13:56 |


Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Germany> Kerpen
quote: |
Originally posted by Gandi
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
.....you call that chaos? xD; |
That was only the chaos caused by Juice Cartons, what the hell do you think the rest of the room looked like? Candies or what? :<
Oh and I just emptied those Juice Fags and.. Jesus Christ, you wouldn't believe what the FUCK can grow inside those things...
That was SO gross, lol.
Now I really need a cig or something... *has a picture in mind of those stuff coming out of the Cartons* ... Ewwwww
Just.... wtf. No appetite for the next 5 hours straight. D: |
oh my god.....ok when it starts growing inside the juice cartons it becomes ugly indeed.... D:
i know some happy-go-lucky songs for lightening up your mood (something with shala....xD;; ) <3
03-10-2006 13:58 |

Registered: 01-16-2006
Location: Munich, Bavaria
Thread Starter
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
quote: |
Originally posted by Gandi
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
.....you call that chaos? xD; |
That was only the chaos caused by Juice Cartons, what the hell do you think the rest of the room looked like? Candies or what? :<
Oh and I just emptied those Juice Fags and.. Jesus Christ, you wouldn't believe what the FUCK can grow inside those things...
That was SO gross, lol.
Now I really need a cig or something... *has a picture in mind of those stuff coming out of the Cartons* ... Ewwwww
Just.... wtf. No appetite for the next 5 hours straight. D: |
oh my god.....ok when it starts growing inside the juice cartons it becomes ugly indeed.... D:
i know some happy-go-lucky songs for lightening up your mood (something with shala....xD;; ) <3 |
Get lost in the desert, please.
 | Sometimes I think I'm crazy,
other times I know I'm not. |
03-10-2006 13:59 |


Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Germany> Kerpen
quote: |
Originally posted by Gandi
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
quote: |
Originally posted by Gandi
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
.....you call that chaos? xD; |
That was only the chaos caused by Juice Cartons, what the hell do you think the rest of the room looked like? Candies or what? :<
Oh and I just emptied those Juice Fags and.. Jesus Christ, you wouldn't believe what the FUCK can grow inside those things...
That was SO gross, lol.
Now I really need a cig or something... *has a picture in mind of those stuff coming out of the Cartons* ... Ewwwww
Just.... wtf. No appetite for the next 5 hours straight. D: |
oh my god.....ok when it starts growing inside the juice cartons it becomes ugly indeed.... D:
i know some happy-go-lucky songs for lightening up your mood (something with shala....xD;; ) <3 |
Get lost in the desert, please.
T_T |
lub ya, too :D
i´m really regretting i didnt get a cd the last time D:
03-10-2006 14:05 |


Registered: 01-18-2006
Location: Berlin
fishjuice........? perverts.... T_T
haha this isnt even all!!1 :Q unfortunately you can't see the 20 litres of tea i made for me every day :D
but i rather drink 3 times more than anyone else than having double breakfast, 4 ea lunch portions, a bunch of dinners & various midnight snacks... ne, gandi!!? /lv <3
03-11-2006 18:51 |

kleine ente :)

Registered: 03-03-2006
oh c'mon i see that every day D:
B> flamethrower

vibi says:
i wished i had möpse
Scarleth says:
but you got cats and möpse
03-11-2006 21:32 |
Registered: 06-06-2013
06-06-2013 14:21 |