zooorrrrtt |
WuShuang Member
Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Germany
heya wushis ^^
its good old Stahlrosette...
just visited *our* hp again and thought why not post something
things i want to tell u
i got a new job and i kinda like it
i got my main char in wow on max lev and damn he roxxx
maybe i visit u if i'm allowed to
hm just downloading noghalt
and why the f*** u took my forum rights away..
ok thats all for now :D got a test on wednesday and need to learn a bit
maybe some of u remind me and maybe i get my forum rights back, cause my heart belongs still to you
02-04-2007 21:25 |
löl stahlrosette löl ...XD
hiho =)
02-04-2007 21:28 |
push the button, dont push the button

Registered: 03-04-2006
ey steel give me your lk for woe

02-04-2007 21:29 |
Stallone Italiano.

Registered: 06-12-2006
Location: Italy
Ricordate gente, l'importante è vincere e non partecipare. :-)

02-04-2007 21:36 |


Registered: 01-12-2006
hi rosi
i still love your peco^^
char nicks:
.Nissin. x Hunter 96
ent_ent x Alchemist 83
hot_rod x Wizard 82
Kai-Mei x Rogue 63
not renamed yet:
Watery x ArchBishop 100
Watti x Priest 96
Arizona x Priest 90
Sushi x Gypsy 96
02-04-2007 21:43 |
Käse ¤ Kuchen
Registered: 01-12-2006
Location: Germany
hu steel :D
nice to hear from u.
was kind of deja vu for me somehow.
i was out for a cigarette like 40 minutes ago and thought about ws knight and also thought about you, and just today u post here.
thats strange :D
sure u get rights back
02-04-2007 21:59 |

Registered: 03-04-2006
Location: im homeless ._.'
get a rl wodus

Optix - back~ sagt:
gestern knap 2km mit 2 kästen bier rumgelatscht
Optix - back~ sagt:
abends so gegen 12
Optix - back~ sagt:
lol geschwitzt wien schwein D:
Sylph sagt:
du schwitzt bestimmt immer
Sylph sagt:
Optix - back~ sagt:
Optix - back~ sagt:
Sylph sagt:
du schwein!
Optix - back~ sagt:
weil du so hot bis >:
02-05-2007 21:19 |