The Spiel. |
^*Unzips..*...uhh nm /ho
<Got clean clothes!
V Doesn''t wear any clothes.
09-28-2006 21:24 |
Wushu's Heart

Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Iceland
^ Nope, ready for sleep
< Is feeling a bit down
V Just woke up
WuShuang from the very start to the very end. My one and only home.
09-29-2006 06:28 |

<3 my Khalan

Registered: 04-06-2006
Location: Lyon, France
^ Was right. :P
< Got woken up by a firealarm and had to go assemble outside in my pajamas. :\
V Likes snow?

09-29-2006 09:10 |

Registered: 05-21-2006
Location: Mainz
^ I hate cold things on my hot body! o_O
< Needs to do more sports. >.<
V Never made sport in his/her life!
~ lvl 96 pure Sacrifice Paladin ~
~ lvl 99 pre SP Vaporiser Paladin ~
~ lvl 94 purest Asura Champion ~
09-29-2006 13:46 |

kleine ente :)

Registered: 03-03-2006
^ nuuuuh! played volleyball some years in a club
< is now lazy because of lack of time
v likes aerobic gymnastic in pink stretch clothes

vibi says:
i wished i had möpse
Scarleth says:
but you got cats and möpse
09-29-2006 14:25 |

Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Netherlands
^ bought the long mace I wanted!!
< :S
v blub?

09-29-2006 17:25 |
Fool yourself!
Registered: 03-18-2006
^ ye, blub!
< bored!
v wants me!
You are sick, I know it
You are sick, you are sick
And we're at it again.
12-05-2006 12:22 |
FC Schalke 04 will win the Ger Soccer League KTHX

Registered: 01-28-2006
Location: Germany
^ u r a fag
< slept too long
v is santa claus

12-05-2006 14:41 |
Mr.Gambling himself~

Registered: 01-12-2006
Location: Germany>NRW>Güterslo
^ ho ho ho
< ho ho ho
V smells like a rubber :D
12-05-2006 14:56 |
Fool yourself!
Registered: 03-18-2006
^ nebah, just took a shower >:
< Bored & hungry!
v dunno!
You are sick, I know it
You are sick, you are sick
And we're at it again.
12-05-2006 15:48 |
Käse ¤ Kuchen
Registered: 01-12-2006
Location: Germany
^ yup i am a gc/spear quicken sader, 99 agi 99 int ftw
< got a cold
v is going to eat a schnitzel soon
12-05-2006 17:46 |
Fool yourself!
Registered: 03-18-2006
^ never, ate a whole family pizza alone ;_;
< is now really fat!
v eats like a pig today!
You are sick, I know it
You are sick, you are sick
And we're at it again.
12-05-2006 18:18 |
^Actually, I did!
<Just celebrated Sinterklaas, sick now =(
V Doesn't know what Sinterklaas is /shy
12-05-2006 23:58 |
FC Schalke 04 will win the Ger Soccer League KTHX

Registered: 01-28-2006
Location: Germany
^ sth with saunta claus? lawl
< goin' to travel from Frankfurt germany to Chicago USA with an Airbus on FSX lol
v wanna fly with me :-O

12-06-2006 03:28 |

Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Netherlands
^ Gives me wings?
< Didn't really celebrated Sinterklaas.
v Is jumping arround is his/her room.

12-06-2006 12:50 |


Registered: 03-03-2006
Location: Turkey
^ nuh, is studying ;Q
< gonna have a physics test in an hour /ho
v is having breakfast ;Q;

12-09-2006 08:31 |