know that already...xDD
i lol 'ed xD
btw you got back your pw? ;P
yes. guess what it is
she is my idol

i love to have friends like her... always hilarious xD
btw "I'm Syliva Night, I'm shining so bright"
I post some comments xD
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haavard77 (1 day ago)
The Greek audience proved themselves to be among the most stupid people in the world. I hope they will die for not having any sense of humour at all and for taking themselves way too serious. Silvia Night is a CHARACTER, that makes fun of herself and this fucked up song contest. I love her talkshow. Too bad that the Greek people are among the most stupid people in the world. |
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EVERYTHING WAS A SETUP! The journalist that ws kicked out of the press meeting was from Iceland and part of the joke. The same with the technicians. And believe me, the people bashed after the event was part of the joke. How come you Greek people are too stupid to figure it out?!?!? Silvia Night was making fun of Eurovision, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and all you song-contest idiots, that is taking everything way to serious. |
this one is mean, flaming and touches Turkey&Greece too .,. xD
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Greece is crowded with a bunch of pathetic people. I guess the Eastern European Block toghether with Balkan, Turkey and former Russia wich is all very religious have no sense of humour at all. Evrything here was ACTING! You just couldn't see it. Believe me. The events after the show and before including the journalist being kicked out was a stunt. Wow, you are stupid! |
I dunno what really happend but I started to like this girl xd
i´d like to read the full lyrics of this song..xD
i loved lituania song =D
hmm ill download lith too then Q: eveybody tells me "oh this is great- download" i guess ill download the whole thing lol
elena > all thou .____.
yea she is
but the girl of ucrain is not bad too =D

hmm it appears that this "Sylvia" thingy was a character and mocking Britney Spears, Eurovision, Europe and stuff xD
i enjoyed it though .,. its kinda mean to get booed
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I think she is genious. Her joke was superb, from the begining to the end. I voted only for her, and was laughing to tears during performance. What a loss that she wont be in final! ps. those who feel ofended by this character, you need help. maybe laughing therapy would do, but maybe not. Well done, Iceland! |
I only could watch the voting & Finland .,. I was talking with Arti:p
@Sada xD the lyrics
Hey you, looking at me, I’m talking to you
I’m Silvia Night shining in the light – I know you want me too
Born in Reykjavik in a different league – no damn eurotrashfreak
The vote is in, they say I['ll fucking] win
Too bad for all the others
So congratulations I have arrived
I’m Silvia Night and I’m shining so bright
Eurovision nation your dreams coming true
You’ve been waiting forever
For me to save you
Wham bam boom
My song’s totally cool no yesterday’s news
It's really hot okay, really not too gay
I’m coming here to stay
Want a piece of me, listen carefully
You’ll be D.E.A.D.
So boys and girls around the world,
Let’s meet next year in Iceland
So congratulations I have arrived
I’m Silvia Night and I’m shining so bright
Eurovision nation your dream’s coming true
You’ve been waiting forever
For me to save you
So Congratulations Spam here
(phone - conversation)
Hello is it god?
What’s up dog?
It’s your favourite person in the world, Silvia Night
I’m saving, taking the world
See you...bye
So congratulations I have arrived
I’m Silvia Night and I’m shining so bright
Eurovision nation your dreams coming true
You’ve been waiting forever
For me to save you
So congratulations I have arrived
I’m Silvia Night and I’m shining so bright
Eurovision nation your dreams coming true
Just vote for your hero that’s what you must do
I love you
PS:I edited what was written here according to what I listen
lol lithuania sucks in one word xDDD
at least iceland has some subtlety.
nuh it rocks
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Originally posted by Feaglor
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My song’s totally cool no yesterday’s news
It's really hot okay, really not too gay
i think thats why fea didnt like it ;(
not really funny for me /hmm even it comes to me so foolish q.q
and in the lyric just the rhyme is good, nothing more..
so... thats what minda and icon listen to all day...... xD
swt, hell no :S
hate that song, and I hate that character
even if it's just an act, she just annoys the hell out of me >_>