single priest at emp sucks as well :D
btw i dislike that threadname kinda :x
btw cause i heard "DEF is easy def is easy " in ts i think that you all was at emp room -_-''
ok =D better name now =D
well def was easy in fact (untill flare did EC, from that point on there were just too much ppl against us ^^ ), tons of wiz, but np with right armor!
B> ghosty for thomas, freeze weapon for gandi, skill for manboon! xD <3
who where the blue crystal logo, I don't remember
actually i told to leave u (but many didnt listen to me) cause a priest alone is, how to say, harmless?
and a vit kni (mitsumi) is, how to say, harmless too?
how many years you would have needed to break empe (sw roxor)?
2 years?
since we were sure no one else was in (ah maya purple), why to waste resources in hunting you down? the longer u were in empe room the longer u wouldnt have supported ur mates, too bad that many just followed you, i told lyrana to leave me in empe alone (as u can see i was there) and rest at def spot again, you and mistumi were welcomed into the agit since u lost ur time running around, but since not everyone can keep his position a decision had to be made: kill you.
with lub my feagoat, dont forget me (and use better titles

@ sada: i couldnt do anything. cos none hit the noskill song -.-"
one time i was swing them, maybe was that time?
mitzumi is able to kill emp actually pretty fine °-°;
ah well, wait untill he got his gtb shiled and his ghosty chainmail
gtb mirror shield cuz of +5 mdef!!!!!!!!!!11111
omg! wtf? shield>mirror shield, u dont need mdef, ne alter?
rofl grillen, i just can say
oder meinst du das ernst? :P
sry for german
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
mitzumi is able to kill emp actually pretty fine °-°;
ah well, wait untill he got his gtb shiled and his ghosty chainmail
sure with emp safety walled he will break emp in 3 seconds Oo
since they dont do damage we need to kill?
not really