This is discrimination againts us hunters imo
Snipers r cool and have success :bling:
And noone even look at tiny, frail and ugly(the sprite sux a bit imo) hunters
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Originally posted by AlveiN
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Originally posted by Watery
S> secks to alvi >: |
gogo come to France
actually i ment that yonda shall secks u cause he got no money
the new banner sucks
watti liez, check ur pms i bet u got a offer already!
Alvein, me lubs your Champion fanart.
Great job on the clothes! <3 It's a pity you did not participate in the loadingscreen competition...=(
ofc the champ rocks. i mean its mine.
watti asked him to draw my champ and thats the result =)
he couldnt fail with such a great model ! XD~
The technique Alvein used rocks, I meant!
You still suck ass like always
gogo ubermodel wodus! : D
Check out this pic, alvein drawn for me.

Its damnit beautiful, isn't it!?
Again a thousand thanks alvein, i rly love it <3
Alvein would u mind to draw something with my Champ and/ or Sage (lris)?^^
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Originally posted by Sada
The technique Alvein used rocks, I meant!
You still suck ass like always
gogo ubermodel wodus! : D |
i dont sucks, i am MIDGARDS NEXT TOPMODEL !!1
grats pinaliiiiii =D
my favorite is in as well <3
too bad I didn't make it...well that's a sign I guess >D
congratz pinali

I just saw it few minutes ago ,very very nice one Pinali
I think my favorite out the whole list ,oh and gratz
quote: |
Originally posted by Sada
grats pinaliiiiii =D
my favorite is in as well <3
too bad I didn't make it...well that's a sign I guess >D |
next time paint a pic in your standart :-P then i guess u will win miss sophie
i told you, boobs are the way to success
congrats pinali
you're right. sada next time just a small mathematical equation for you :
"bigger boobs = bigger sucess to win"
I know but Yvonne is not interested in bigger boobs. :x
And it was mainly a fanart for her! >O
I think she already was pissed enough, that I did not draw any YAOI...xD;
nuuh, it's ok, this way I won't be seduced to play again. >-<
I am a bit disappointed but it's better for me like that actually /wah
Thx ^^
But I'm kinda insulted that ppl think it only get in cuz of boobs! =(
I'm disappointed that Sada didn't get in too q.q I liked that more than some of the entry there..