off topic:
yesterday we had the idea of checking out geffenia dungeon, mostly i wanted to go there since i never saw the dungeon before. we created a cute party consisting of watti, wodus, wamai, iru and me. later on copy joined us for getting his lvl up and mobbed a bit (after his up he also came with mitzumi san <3
we made 2,5-3,5m/h "only" in our 6ppl party but it was LOTS of fun, the drops were nice and it was something new to the usual TI or GD parties. we found lots of 4sl violines by the way, if our bards need, ask watti or wodus ^^
since the monsters there drop tons of different rings, someone made a comment about lord of the rings and i liked it so much, that i wanted to post some screenshots of this crazy cute party by making some kind of crossover, so its more interesting/funnier/choose what you like xD to read/look at ^^
you should try such a party. its not uber exp but certainly fun ^_^

Frodopy, the Ringbearer, a cute little hobbit.
In his (her?) freetime he enjoys making slim potions <3

Irugorn, also known as Strider.
His second home is Turtle Island, his favorite food is "Koretensuppe" (some kind of turtle soup!).
When he apears to fight the enemies, it´s like BOOM HEADSHOT!

Sadarwen, an elf.
She is Irugorns SP bitc....errr wife.
They love each other...truly...its a long story, you don´t wanna hear.

Wamalas, another elf.
He is very skilled with his bow and his lute. His songs kick ass.
He joined the Fellowship hoping to find some violines....

Wattiwyn, the red lady of WuShuang.
Ger, pr0, 18+ and TS2! Shes just 1337.

X~Odalf, the violet.
A skilled and wise man.
There are rumors about him having a relationship with Wattiwyn.
His favourite food is Schnitzel.
[party obtained Silver/Gold/Diamond Ring 25237823944734842 ea]

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Midgard where the Shadows lie.
[party obtained Ring[1] 1ea]

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Midgard where the Shadows lie.

After everyone arrived at the meeting spot, the brave party (their friends called them GRUP TEKKAN xD ) got ready for the journey to become the lords or the rings.
For Sadarwen and Wattiwyn this meant: BLESS, AGI, MAGNI, ASSU, IMPO, ASP, HEAL PLZ!!!!!1
A job full of stress. You know, you can never please men, they always have something to complain about....
Good thing Wamalas was there to lighten up their mood with his wonderful music <3

So after everyone was ready, FINALLY the journey began...
Frodopy leading the party, his cart full of potions, food rations, porn movies....xD

The fights were long and painful, the enemies were ebil, the journey was dangeous.
Only few time to rest for our brave heroes. Or no time at all.
Especially since Frodopy seemed to be some kind of enemy-magnet.
Since he carried the ring (and all other rings xD) with him in his cart, all were after kil get the ring(s).
Sadarwen and Wattiwyn always had to be awake to support their friends.
Irugorn had to save Frodopys life again and again.
X~Odalf was supporting his party with his magical power and wise suggestions ( "*casts EC*.....shit, wrong shortcut! I will be out of SP soon, be careful!" ).

The greatest danger they had to encounter were 6! Abyssmal Naz-Knight-ghuls, ebil fellows of the Dark Side.
They were strong that even Irugorn had to escape for not losing his life. Sadarwen almost died worrying (well, not really....).
It looked like this was the end for the brave party...

Good thing X~Odalf, the violet was with them.
With his magical force he battled the ebil monsters till the very end.
And he was successfull....kinda.... (actually most of them winged away.../swt)
A journey like this, of course is very difficult.
And it didn't happen only once, that one or two were thinking of giving up.
Especially Irugorn was tired every night of fighting the enemy.
No wonder he needed.....special treatment from his wife, really often....

Poor Sadarwen was exhausted all the time!
Men are so pushy..... /shy
Irugorn needed lotsa lub to survive this journey.... (Facts about the children of Irugorn and Sadarwen will nto be revealed in this story....!)

And the journey continued.
Over mountains, through forests and deserts, inside caves.
Everywhere they searched for the powerful rings, always keeping their hopes up.
Always fighting with all they got.
Never giving up....

Of course they did not fight 24/7 (mostly because Sadarwen was too exhausted, because of making so much lub with Irugorn <,<).
They enjouyed their few peaceful moments.
And one day......
They found what they were looking for.

And they became the Lords of the Rings!

[some day at least...]
thanks for reading <3
let us do this party again some day, it was so muc fun ;Q;