sell gtb guard for 1 woe (20.12.)

i think this forum is international, so i try to write in english

i'm sorry for mistakes in my thread

There is an Auktion for my GTB-Guard, where you can get it for WOE on 20.12.

If you are interested, you can pm me in Rocards Forum.
booorsti kis kis kis kis kis

u found a gtb ? .oO

wtf? congratz dude !

lg cassi
cassiiii ... you are back again? cool

found it some month ago with my girlfriend ^^
hi borsti, i want to be your friend
booorsti kis kis kis kis kis

yeah i'll try to be back,

btw my fl is very empty, how do u do ingame ?

lets talk a bit on which char are u mostly atm ?

lg lv
my forger is online nearly all the time ....

but its afk .. because i have go to university
there isn't much time for me, to play RO

but my forger you should reach all the time
hum i just know the name but not really ,

as i'd tried to pm u uwasnt there q.q

gimme nick write me a message or so <3

lv lv lv
Borsti, I'd like to deal secks for your gtb

let me know bo
no one wants secks with u shy